Saturday, March 23, 2013

David Hamelech Crying over Avshalom


He climed to the top of the gate and covered himself to cry "Avshalom, my son, Avshalom!"

How beautiful are your feet in shoes


Places in the Torah where it mentions taking of the shoes for a holy reason juxtaposed to how beautiful Jewish feet are walking up the Mikdash for the Regel.



Rus and Boaz

Boaz and Ploni Almoni

A Chalitza

Aliya Le'regel

Friday, March 22, 2013

Elisha pours water on the hands of Eliyahu

Eliyahu Hanavi Poured water on his korban instead of lighting a fire when he wanted to disprove the Ne'viei ha'bal. When Elisha poured water on Eliyahu's hands, netilas yadaim, water started pouring out Eliyahu's fingers. It filled the whole circle around the korban he was bringing. This happened right before Hashem sent down a fire to burn up the korban and lick up all the water. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Etz Hadas. Pomegranate, wheat, grapes, figs, esrog. The concept is that the tree of both good and bad corresponds to the sword that flips one way and the other as well as the full and new moons. Thus the when Chava ate from the fruit it caused the her cycles to revolve around the lunar cycle.


30 Steps the kallah goes up towards the chatan. The elavation of Malchus upwards. Perhaps corresponding to the 30 keilim of Maluchus. I'll have to look in the commentaries...

The four cups. Corresponding to the four rivers out of the Gan Eden.


Shaul with the luchos.


Splitting of the sea.